Funding Your Graduate Education

School of Education Funding Resources

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Arvil S. Barr Graduate Fellowship

This opportunity is a dissertation-level fellowship for a graduate student who is studying teaching, learning, and reform.


Each department nominates a candidate and sends information to the Education Academic Services office. Recipient is selected by the Scholarships and Fellowships Committee.

Arvil S. Barr Summer Fellowship

This summer award is granted to a graduate student with a focus on teacher education.


Each department nominates a candidate and sends information to the Education Academic Services office. Recipient is selected by the Scholarships and Fellowships Committee.

Virginia Horne Henry Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships

This fellowship is given to full-time graduate students in kinesiology. Preference is given to students studying women’s physical education, but may be given to any graduate student doing kinesiology research. The fellowship includes a stipend, payment of tuition, benefits, and a $1,500 flexible fund award.


Each department nominates a candidate and sends the information to the Dean’s office. The recipient is selected by the Virginia Horne Henry Scholarships and Awards Committee.

Thora Wick Homme Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded to the runner-up in the Barr Graduate Fellowship competition.

Theodora Herfurth Kubly Minority Fellowship

This fellowship is a dissertation-level award for a minority graduate student.


Every department nominates a candidate and sends information to Education Academic Services office. The recipient is selected by the Scholarships and Fellowships Committee.

Christine and Philip Lodewick Fellowship

This fellowship is awarded to a graduate student who intends to pursue a career serving schools with predominantly minority populations and who is most likely to be an outstanding leader in the field of multicultural education.