American Indian Curriculum Services (AICS)

The American Indian Curriculum Services Office provides School of Education faculty, staff, and students with information about Wisconsin’s American Indian history, culture, and tribal sovereignty.


105 Education Building
1000 Bascom Mall
Madison, WI 53706


(608) 262-8427 or (608) 262-1651

Collage image of Native Americans

About AICS

Omar Poler leaning down to pick something up from drawers.

Omar Poler (Mole Lake Sokaogon Ojibwe) is the American Indian Curriculum Services (AICS) coordinator for 2018-2019.

Omar provides support for integrating American Indian Studies into PK-16 education, including the instruction of the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of the 12 First Nations of Wisconsin. Additionally, Omar provides place-based teaching in learning through UW–Madison First Nations Cultural Landscape Tours offered to pre-service teachers, PK-12 classes, UW–Madison faculty, staff, students, and non-profit groups.

One outstanding resource is the website, a collection of resources that provides educators and pre-service teachers accurate and authentic educational materials for teaching about the American Indian Nations of Wisconsin.

Current Reservations and Tribal Lands Map of Wisconsin