
Mission & Goals

The School of Education commits itself to the education of leaders who will enrich lives, transform communities, and better the world.

Brick columns in front of wall with red "W All Ways Forward" flag.

Academic Departments

The UW–Madison School of Education houses 10 diverse departments and a broad array of undergraduate and graduate programs — from elementary and secondary education to studio art, modern dance, and theatre to exercise science and occupational therapy.


The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education’s success as an institution rests in large part on the people who teach its classes, lead its departments, administer its units, and support its programs.

Diana Hess speaking at podium in School of Education.


Congratulations! You’re part of a distinguished group— over 45,000 teachers, artists, therapists, researchers, entrepreneurs, and public intellectuals. Our alumni span the globe, but are proud to still support our School.

Student with red beanie using yellow paint on wall.


Stay in touch with the UW–Madison School of Education through publications, newsletters, and news stories about our alumni, students, faculty, and staff research and accomplishments.

Current news information on digital screen on wall.


Get involved and engage with the UW–Madison School of Education by attending or participating in one of our many upcoming events.

Michael Dando presenting to a large group of students at tables.


The financial support we receive from loyal alumni and friends is essential to the continued excellence of the School of Education.

4 rolls of $50 atop of red UW-Madison School of Education t-shirt.

Contact & Visit

The School of Education is spread across many buildings on and off campus, but most departments and units are housed in the Education Building, Educational Sciences, Teacher Education Building, Lathrop Hall, and more.

Blue phone book in metal slot with stamped text.