Academic Advising

The undergraduate academic advisors in the School of Education are here for you. A dedicated advisor can help you with:

Academic Advising Main Office

139 Education Building
1000 Bascom Mall
Wheelchair accessible entrances are located on the east and north side of building.

Open Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.

Schedule an Appointment with an Academic Advisors

School of Education Student Services coordinates undergraduate student services for the School. We serve current and prospective School of Education students in all programs, from initial exploration to career goals and beyond.

Prospective undergraduate students: please use the Prospective Student Appointment Request form.

Current undergraduate students: to schedule an appointment, please click the Starfish links below an academic advisor.

Graduate students and prospective graduate students: Please contact the Program Manager or Student Services Coordinator in your program of interest. Our office does not provide academic advising for graduate programs.